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cranial arachnoid mater

См. также в других словарях:

  • cranial arachnoid mater — arachnoidea mater cranialis …   Medical dictionary

  • arachnoid of brain — cranial arachnoid arachnoidea mater cranialis …   Medical dictionary

  • arachnoid — SYN: a. mater. [G. arachne, spider, cobweb, + eidos, resemblance] a. of brain SYN: cranial a. mater. cranial a. mater [TA] that portion of the a. that lies within the cranial cavity and surrounds the …   Medical dictionary

  • mater — The “sheltering” coverings of the central nervous system. See arachnoid m., dura m., pia m.. [L. mother] arachnoidea m. cranialis [TA] SYN: cranial arachnoid m.. arachnoidea m. encephali cranial arachnoid m.. cranial pia m. [TA] the pia m. found… …   Medical dictionary

  • arachnoid barrier cell layer — the outer layer of the cranial and spinal arachnoid mater, immediately internal to the dura mater and loosely attached to the dural border cell layer by occasional cell junctions. Its cells have tightly apposed cell membranes and are connected to …   Medical dictionary

  • Dura mater — Meninges of the CNS Gray s subject #193 872 MeSH …   Wikipedia

  • arachnoidea mater cranialis — [TA] the arachnoidea covering the brain; called also arachnoid of brain, cranial arachnoid, and a. m. encephali [TA alternative] …   Medical dictionary

  • dura mater — Pachymeninx (as distinguished from leptomeninx, the combined pia mater and arachnoid); a tough, fibrous membrane forming the outer covering of the central nervous system. SYN: dura [TA], pachymeninx [TA]. [L. hard mother, mistransl. of Ar. umm al …   Medical dictionary

  • part — A portion. SYN: pars [TA]. abdominal p. of aorta SYN: abdominal aorta. abdominal p. of esophagus [TA] the portion of the esophagus from where it passes through the diaphragm to the stomach. See …   Medical dictionary

  • Meninges — of the CNS Gray s subject #193 872 Artery …   Wikipedia

  • Brain tumor — Classification and external resources Brain metastasis in the right cerebral hemisphere from lung cancer shown on T1 weighted magnetic resonance imaging with intravenous contrast …   Wikipedia

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